abbie + tanner, san diego temple & catamaran resort

honestly, i don’t even know what to say about abbie and tanner’s wedding! it was absolutely gorgeous, thanks to the genius of heather at AMOROLOGY. her creativity and attention to detail is honestly unreal. of course abbie and tanner are just stunning (don’t you just die over their wedding attire?!). and the catamaran resort was the perfect backdrop to their nautical themed wedding. also, i was very, VERY pregnant when i shot this wedding. as in, lucy was born three weeks after i got home. i could not have survived without my amazing second shooter TIFFANY! really, i would have gone into premature labor without her.

enjoy part one!

Getting Ready:
Hair + Makeup by TRACY

note: the san diego temple was covered by scaffolding. and i do mean every. square. inch. hence, we took basically no bride and groom shots there… you’ll see why.

uh, see? i told you so. 😉
ring ceremony and reception

this is how the guests found their seating arrangements! see what i mean? amorology, you amaze me.


RECEPTION coming in part II!
plus, this wedding is being published somewhere very special.
i can’t wait to tell you!