this has been one of the most remarkable things i have experienced as a photographer, i was so honored to be invited to this special event! celeste decided to go AU NATURAL and did so much preparation in order to be ready for it. her first baby was born with a epidural etc. and she just felt like they were all a little loopy and disconnected. so this time around she was determined to have a natural, spiritual, and emotionally connected birth experience and attended a local HYPNOBIRTHING class. both she and matt did so much research and preparation to be sure that this was achieved. i remember a few weeks prior to her due date, celeste was relaying some of her excitement about having a natural birth. she told me she could not wait to experience it all and that she knew that the birth would be hard, but that it would be the closest and most connected she would ever feel to God, her husband, and her new baby. she wanted and expected a beautiful, loving, spiritual birth, and i think that’s exactly what she got. i think the fact that they also went through a year and a half of trying to conceive and two miscarriages to get this little man here made it that much more amazing. celeste told me that despite all of the waiting and the pain, she knew this little guy was meant to come at the time he did.
celeste’s water broke at 1pm on wednesday, so I thought for sure she would deliver before midnight! but the going was slow and at 11:30 she was still at a 6. i waited a while and finally whent to bed when i was informed that she wasn’t really progressing. at 3 am i got the call that things were turning around and she was at a 7! i hopped in the car and when i arrived at mckaydee hospital, the lights were low, soft music was playing, celeste was SO calm and in control and matt was right there helping her physically and mentally the entire time. i was SO impressed by the teamwork that went into this birth- celeste was absolutely AMAZING, but matt was an incredible birth coach!!
{i am so proud to share my first ever birth story- i hope you enjoy it! please be forewarned that although we aren’t showing any – you know, PARTS – this is birth photography after all so if you’re bothered by that, maybe skip this post. though if you do, i think you’re crazy!}
it was slow going for a couple of hours, but finally around 5 she transitioned and it went FAST from there! i couldn’t believe how calm she remained through the hard labor.
-the pushing starts-
HERE. HE. COMES!! celeste had requested to lift the baby onto her chest herself and have an extended amount of skin to skin time before cutting the cord and cleaning up. the rest truly speaks for itself…

in case you were wondering, 9 POUNDS 8 OUNCES, 22 and 1/2 inches.
at this point we moved to the postpartum rooms and got a little rest before grandma and grandpa brought big sister sawyer to visit…
baby abram…
thank you again matt and celeste for allowing me to be a part of this incredible experience, i could not be more honored to witness the birth of this perfect baby boy! love you all.