2011/2012 schedule

 * just a teeny sneak peek from barrett and amy’s wedding in st. george earlier this month. swoon!*

Thank you for all of your inquiries regarding winter 2011 and 2012 weddings! A few notes on my upcoming schedule…

*My last day of shooting before my maternity leave will be October 7th. I will resume shooting in February 2012. 

*At this time, I am booking weddings and limited birth stories only. Ultimately, this is what i love the most and feel is my strength as an artist and feel so lucky to focus on wedding photography! I may eventually return to portrait photography, but for now I’m keeping it simple. Please feel free to contact me with unique or exciting projects, who knows, i may just go for it! 😉

* As always, get the basic information and contact me via MY WEBSITE (which although is under construction and in desperate need of attention, at least now has my contact/pricing info) or directly at jesslkettle@yahoo.com.

rayna + dominic

ok, first of all, HELLO! long time, no blog huh? typical. what can i say, i’ve been insaneeeeely busy this summer. 6 weddings in june, 6 weddings in july and now i’m finally slowing down a leeeeeeetle bit before baby kettle #3 shows up in december! oh yea, i’ve been busy growing people too. 😉
but really, i hope you’re excited for this post! rayna and dominic’s wedding was 100% GORGEOUS down to every last detail. be prepared to be blown away! and of course i just loved spending the day with R+D. they are so cute together and make such a striking couple! they were so much fun to photograph. honestly, i could have posted double the amount of photos. it was nearly impossible to narrow down! enjoy!



I was SO THRILLED that Rayna and Dominic’s wedding was featured in the premier edition of Salt Lake/ Park City Bride & Groom Magazine! What an honor.

I couldn’t end the post without giving some MAJOR credit to all of Rayna’s amazing vendors!

(umm, seriously, can we get a round of applause here folks? she was AMAZING.)

i couldn’t have hand picked a better group of vendors myself. i would HIGHLY recommend all of these people!
VIDEOGRAPHY: Nathan Picket Films
PRINTED ELEMENTS: Pink Piggy Designs
FLOWERS: Orchid Dynasty
CATERING: Culinary Crafts
CAKE: One Sweet Slice


being a wedding photographer is pretty much the most amazing job in the world. really, i feel SO lucky! but it’s a LOT of hard work too. long hours on your feet, loads of editing, time away from my babies… the last couple of months i’ve felt spread thin and exhausted.

but today while i was editing, this image caught my breath…
it reminded me, this is why i do what i do. and my heart is lifted. 🙂



we are surprised and delighted to announce baby kettle number three!
14.5 weeks- current gestation
24 weeks- is how far along my belly LOOKS
2nd Trimester
16th of december – due date
16.5 months – age difference between lucy and baby three
53- number of seconds i was skinny before i got chubby again
7 weeks- how far along i was when we found out
2- seconds it took for that little test to turn positive. seriously.
48 – number of times mommy said “holy ****” after peeing on the stick. yes, it was a BIG surprise! 😉
8 – pounds i have *already* put on
1-2 – average number of daily puke sessions (note this number was MUCH higher in the first trimester!)
100 – times we have heard the response “woooow, was this… planned…?” haha!

A MILLION times over the moon about this little addition!