abbie + tanner, san diego temple & catamaran resort PART II

hello, internet. have you missed me? in case you’re wondering, i’m still here. i have been shooting like crazy and preparing for SEVEN WEDDINGS next month alone. let’s just say it’s going to be a VERY busy summer! i have so many things to share, but recently i realized that i never finished posting this amazing wedding planned by amorology! don’t you just die over the details?
see part one HERE.


baby charlotte’s birth story. Utah Birth Photographer

i have been so blessed to have the opportunity to shoot birth stories this year! i have had 5 so far and absolutely loved the experience every time. when jayme contacted me to shoot hers, i was SO excited! it was such a beautiful and exciting experience. they didn’t find out the sex of the baby so we all had fun making guesses during labor. mom and dad said boy. FOR SURE, a BOY. so naturally, i guessed girl! you can guess how it played out…

this is jen.
jen is jayme’s sister in law.
she works at a dermatology office.
she is not a nurse.
she is not qualified to deliver babies.
do not let the scrubs fool you.

[we were all ROLLING at this photo!]

at the final push, jeremy blurted out that he suddenly had a feeling that this baby was a GIRL.

and he was RIGHT.

big sister and brother…

jayme, thank you so much for letting me be a part of miss charlotte’s birth- it was truly an honor and such a special day. congratulations.

danielle + robby, part III

here is the last post for robby + danielle… don’t you love all the details?! 
this is a little something i like to call the wedding party yearbook. 
i sort of love it. 
fun, huh?!

danielle and robby, your wedding was just gorgeous and i was THRILLED that i got to be your wedding photographer!! and another big thanks to Miss Randle for second shooting. you rocked it lady.

robby + danielle, part II

here we go on part II for danielle and robby! it was easily one of my 2010 favorites.  i loved every little thing about this wedding. so much so, that it is turning into THREE POSTS. yes, three. seriously, the marathon posts are out of control. i will never (probably never, well, i bet i will) subject you to them again. sorry. i just couldn’t leave anything out! enjoy danielle and robby’s sweet ceremony and formal shots downtown. 

part III coming MONDAY! and that’s a promise. 😉

cowboy up.

well hello, internet. long time, no post (but really, what else is new?)! i have been CRAZY busy gearing up for spring and summer wedding season. it’s been consultations and engagement sessions gallore, mixed in with some TRUELY gorgeous weddings this month, and a couple more next week!

but don’t worry, we never run out of time for a little fun here at the kettle house.
and this weekend, we rode horses.

do you ride? 😉