abbie + tanner, san diego temple & catamaran resort

honestly, i don’t even know what to say about abbie and tanner’s wedding! it was absolutely gorgeous, thanks to the genius of heather at AMOROLOGY. her creativity and attention to detail is honestly unreal. of course abbie and tanner are just stunning (don’t you just die over their wedding attire?!). and the catamaran resort was the perfect backdrop to their nautical themed wedding. also, i was very, VERY pregnant when i shot this wedding. as in, lucy was born three weeks after i got home. i could not have survived without my amazing second shooter TIFFANY! really, i would have gone into premature labor without her.

enjoy part one!

Getting Ready:
Hair + Makeup by TRACY

note: the san diego temple was covered by scaffolding. and i do mean every. square. inch. hence, we took basically no bride and groom shots there… you’ll see why.

uh, see? i told you so. 😉
ring ceremony and reception

this is how the guests found their seating arrangements! see what i mean? amorology, you amaze me.


RECEPTION coming in part II!
plus, this wedding is being published somewhere very special.
i can’t wait to tell you!

a typical tuesday…

hot dog!
be sure to check it out, along with the rest of playing house.

and really, if you aren’t already readying PLAYING HOUSE, 
you live a deprived life. it’s like, 
did i say hillarious?
mommy-hood blogging.
full of great stories, funny photos, and just plain great writing.
rachel has an attitude about life that i try to adopt myself.
i love it.
you should go to there.

danielle + robby, part I

danielle and robby wed on a perfect fall day in downtown seattle and let me just say, every last detail was absolutely breathtaking. i’m not sure i have ever seen a more beautiful bride, danielle was just so glamorous, striking, and IN LOVE. it was so sweet to watch my childhood friend preparing for marriage to her perfect match (danielle and i were gymnasts together back in junior high and high school!). danielle and robby didn’t see each other before she walked down the isle so we had separate shoots with the wedding party. here is just part one, before the ceremony…


ahhh, i just loved this wedding. and especially because ally drove up from portland second shoot!

are you excited for part II?! and maybe part III….
i have GOT to stop with the monster posts. 😉

coming up…

well, i figure if i can’t tear myself away from playing house with my two little loves long enough to do an entire wedding post (or 20) i could at least introduce you to my february and march brides right? i’m so excited for all of their weddings coming up, as well as alyssa’s… who i couldn’t post pictures of because her bridals aren’t until next weekend. have you ever seen a more gorgeous group!? they’re all so different and sooo stylish.  i promise their will be a full post for all of these sessions- they were so much fun!

see!  i promise i don’t JUST change diapers and drive carpool! =)

karson michael riggs

handsome karson- age 2. our last photoshoot before he was unable to come off his bi-pap  (breathing machine)

karson’s funeral 1/18

i just wanted to check in and say sorry if you’ve tried to get a hold of me this week and i’ve not returned your call or e-mail, everything has kinda been on hold.

our sweet little buddy karson returned to live with our heavenly father last thursday after a tough battle with spinal muscular atrophy type one. we loved every second if the 2 years and 8 months we spent with this guy and will miss him every second we’re apart from him. however, i have know that karson is free- no doubt running, jumping and  breathing DEEP. and for that, i am happy, thankful, and at peace.

karson’s parents are some of our very best friends (really, FAMILY) so this has obviously been a very emotional and busy week, preparing for his beautiful funeral and saying our last goodbyes to this very special little man.

there are a million things i want and need to say about karson, mostly about his life, but also a few sweet things about his passing. he was an increadible little boy… i will be going into more detail on my family blog.

also, can i just say that i have NEVER been more grateful for the power of photographs than i have been this week? NEVER. it made me so happy to see photographs EVERYWHERE at his funeral and putting together his slideshow brought me so much joy- we had a loooot of photoshoots together, karson and i, and now we treasure each and every photo of him. i photographed his funeral as well and i’ll never forget the words of one of our friends- “well, you’ve documented his entire life. i guess it only makes sense to do it for him today too.” karson, it was an honor.

and also, can i ask of you  just one small favor?


please say a few extra prayers for our dear friends Darren, Jody and Hadley that they can have peace during this time. because no matter how much you know that it was his time and that he’s where he should be, losing your two year old son and brother is something i can’t even fathom. if my own heart is broken, how must they feel?

Thank you.

Karson’s blog HERE.
Obituary HERE.
My previous posts about our buddy HERE and HERE.

jalene + lincoln wed, part II

are you so excited to see the rest of this wedding?! well, you should be. it was FAB-U-LOUS! jalene put a ton of work into all of the details and they were all just perfect. the reception was at rice eccles tower and i loved everything about it- the light was so beautiful and j+l really transformed the space to fit their style. 
needless to say, the flowers were gorgeous and i especially loved the vintage cameras at every table paired with their bridal and engagement photos. jalene is a photographer too, so their bridals, engagements and personal photos were a big part of the decor. jalene’s dad is also a photographer and ALL the cameras are his! it’s quite the collection, i must say. 

 jalene displayed old family photos and a lot of really beautiful family heirlooms like the typewriter (+ a beautiful letter written to lincoln!), sewing machine, vintage suitcases and books and mixed them with modern details, like the “FOR LIKE EVER” poster. genius, yea?

jalene’s ring- GORGEOUS (good job linc!). and these are probably some of my favorite ring shots. =)

such a pretty gift table- and the card holder? LOVE!

 it’s tradition for jalene’s cousins to perform a crazy dance number at all the family weddings. we were all rolling, and jalene and lincoln even jumped in for part of it. i seriously could have done a whole post just on their dance…

and then, j+l surprised everyone by perfoming a little dance of their own… the ross and monica dance from friends


it. was. HILARIOUS!!! and  you probably,definitely,cannot,should not miss Nate’s video clip of it too. you will even see my little head pop up at the end…

First Dance from Nathan Pickett on Vimeo.

and then the dance party really started! i love a reception with a good dance party.

 photo booth…

jalene and lincoln! i’m so sad this is the end of your wedding posts… you were an absolute dream to work with and photograph. thanks for hanging in there with me while i was like 11 months pregnant- the experience was unforgettable. ;

and  p.s. here’s jalene and lincoln’s reception video by nate pickett! amazing as usual nate. =)

Rice Eccles: Reception from Nathan Pickett on Vimeo.