mentoring sessions…

i have had so many nice e-mails lately regarding one on one mentoring, thank you! i absolutely LOVE mentoring, there is something so exciting about helping someone see the light (literally and figuratively!) and grow their talent and business. of course i will be showing you the ins and outs of what i do, but my goal is to help you develop your own style and look. during mentorting sessions we work on whatever YOU want to work on, and usually divide time between one or two shoots, post processing and business discussions. a few topics we usually cover are: camera technique, lighting, posing, composition, workflow, processing, blogging, client relationships, marketing, and pricing. but as i said, the great part about one on one mentoring is that we focus on YOUR needs and goals. 
mentoring is an investment in yourself as an artist and your business. when i was getting started, there just wasn’t a lot available in terms of classes and workshops. which lead me to a LOT hard work and sleepless nights trying to figure out everything for myself. it’s taken me years to get where i’m at, but if i could have taken a workshop or mentoring session, i could have saved myself so much time and effort and jump started my career. it drives me crazy thinking of the time i wasted, blindly making the same mistakes shoot after shoot. don’t you hate that? 
mentoring sessions begin at 4 hours for $500, and additional time is $100 per hour. because everyone’s needs are different, you may only need a half day, but full day sessions are also available (and so fun!). please e-mail me for more information or to schedule your session. 
january sessions will get one additional hour FREE (gasp!)
and depending on the turnout, i may open 3 to four mini mentor sessions ($250,  2 hours, photoshop and workflow only) for january ONLY. 
anyway, have fun looking through some of my images from a mentor session i hosted for jessica white this fall, is brittany the most amazing model or what? i had such a great time on this shoot and love how it turned out. 

jalene + lincoln wed, part I

so, remember jalene + lincoln? of course you do. well, i’m finally getting around to posting their wedding day photos and i could not be more thrilled! in fact, maybe a little TOO thrilled. i have approximately a million picture to post. so for that reason, this will be a two part wedding post. yea, it was that cool. 😉
so here goes part one, j and l at the salt lake temple. i think you’ll agree, it couldn’t have been a more perfect day for a more perfect couple! ENJOY!

getting ready…

salt lake temple…

another amazing perk to this day was that heather was my fabulous second shooter 
and nate was the videographer. i couldn’t have been more in love with the video!! judge me if you want, but i cried when i watched it. i just really love this couple, ok?

6-5-10:All SLC Temple from Nathan Pickett on Vimeo.

q & a? you don’t say.

[the “what-a-surprise-seeing-you-on-this-blog” face]

well hello there, internet. it’s me! right here on this very blog. long time no talk! it’s my fault, i know. i’ve been shooting all kinds of lovlies and in between shooting and editing, i’ve been doing the whole holiday thing and PRIMARILY snuggling up to miss L, who is four months old today!! i can’t quite handle it.

but i think i just may have an idea that will cheer you up.

[the “thinking-super-deep-thoughts-about-a-great-idea” face]

you probably remember that every fall i conduct a little  giant Q&A for my readers to celebrate my photoversary [see all my past Q&A/tutorial posts HERE]. well, can you believe that this october was my THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of when i accepted my first photography related paycheck?! in case you were wondering, it was $40. i felt like a seriously BIG DEAL.

anyhoo- i decided that this year we can mix it up a little bit. instead of doing a bunch of  ridiculously long posts and stuff like that, i opened a ….[drumroll please]…. formspring page!! for those of you who aren’t familiar with formspring, it’s a separate little website that is completely devoted to Q&A’s. you post a question to my formspring, i answer it right there. it’s pretty neat-o if you ask me! much faster, more organized and the best part, YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS THERE ANYTIME.

to kick off my formspring, i will be posting the answer to what is easily one of the most frequently asked questions i get. hint: even if you think you already know the answer, there is a new better way to do it, and if you use blogger, it will change your life. like, for real.

additional notes on formspring:

what can you ask?  anything! within reason obviously. =) but no subjects are off limits. life, kids, photography, my favorite color, why you always see me eating with my clients at the taco truck, why i’m always posting at like 3am, what is in that fountain soda cup that is seemingly glued to my hand…whatever.  of course there may be certain things i choose not to answer, but if that’s the case, i will post an answer anyway, explaining my reason for not answering. also, if a question is asked multiple times, i will only answer the first time it is asked.

getting to know eachother. the only bummer about it is that you either create an account or ask anonymously, and i feel like most people don’t have accounts. so i hereby encourage you to create an account so you can follow all your favorite peeps, or if you go the anonymous route, leave your name and blog address (if you’re comfortable)! that way, i get to know you too and we can be like, friends and stuff. i’ve loved getting to know my readers better through my past q and a sessions and would be sad to miss out on that aspect of the q and a this year. =)

also did you know that lots of fancy folks have formspring accounts? people like justin hackworth and jonathan canlas to name a few? nice, right?


good. because she is too. 😉

so go HERE and let the asking begin!

abbie + tanner, bridals

i had so much fun with abbie and tanner! i adored abbie’s dress from alta moda (and that vera wang belt, swoon!) , and check out tanner’s navy knit tie and toms. what can i say, these two have serious style! and i love fall weather, but this location was so beautiful that suddenly i’m missing summer!

abbie + tanner, you. are. gorgeous. 
and if you like their bridals, just you wait until you see their amazing san diego wedding planned by my faaaavorite wedding planner, heather from amorology!

glenna + matt, engaged.

can you believe it? these two got married this summer, and i haven’t even introduced them to you. slowly but surely, i will catch up! glenna and matt are a just plain DARLING couple. they were such naturals in front of the camera, and so sweet and affectionate to each other. i just LOVE them and felt like we really got to be great friends throughout all of our shoots. i love that about my job- i get to meet amazing people and photograph them, and also create relationships with them.

this is in fact, our second attempt at an engagement session- our first time it was so windy none of us could even keep our eyes open! not to mention glenna’s hair was blowing straight out everywhere… we had much better luck this time. =) glenna and matt wanted something fun, with lots of color! which i think is exactly what we got…

one of my favorites- glenna, just beautiful. i want her hair. and matt, can you say smoldering?!
fun fact- while shooting the pictures in front of the ice cream truck, my CAR KEYS got STOLEN. for real. i mean who does that?! glenna and matt waited for like 3 hours with me after their session ended to get my whole situation taken care of. it was a mess! but we ate tacos and had a great time anyway. see i told you, these two really are great. =)