yesterday was meggie and paul’s wedding, which made my third wedding in three weekends. whew! it was so beautiful and i can’t wait to get started on all of their images. but oh boy do i have a lot to do these days… i will have a break next weekend and then off to seattle for heidi’s wedding! i can’t wait.
happy weekend…
and might i suggest the salt lake city farmer’s market for a little of utah’s home grown goodies? we went a couple of weeks ago and got the yummiest fresh local produce. hopefully i will have time to swing by in the morning before m and p’s wedding tomorrow evening! i need more flowers, fresh lemonade (which didn’t last long enough to photograph) and DEFINITELY more cherries. maybe we’ll see each other there…
max liked the blackberries, but they were a little squishy.
most delicious cherries ever.
we even ventured out and tried beets.
i was in LOVE with these zinnias…
and look how pretty they made my table!