3 hours old
and sweet as can be. my next door neighbors adorable baby was born today and even though those docs wouldn’t let me in the o.r. to shoot the c-section, i was lucky enough to get a few pics during this precious time, just about 2 hours after he was born. i am rediculously behind on posting and editing (which is why i don’t have time to share more just yet!) but had to throw this one in. i’m a bit in over my head this week which generally means my blog gets neglected but opportunities to photograph moments like this makes my job SOOO worth it. i promise i have lots of sessions and WEDDINGS to share SOON!
tracey + mike
. . . salt lake city temple . . .

. . . at the reception . . .

i loved this moment during the father’s toast,
especially the little tear in her eye in the last shot. so sweet!

tracey and mike, you are one gorgeous couple and i was so happy to be a part of your wedding day. congrats on your new life together!
the [ L ] family
now, if you try to tell me you have ever seen three cuter more photogenic kids come out of one family, you are lying. LYING! i can’t believe how gorgeous these three are. and i didn’t do a dang thing to their eyes to make them that color. they’re REALLY just that BEAUTIFUL!!
yesterday was just perfect…
so glad this little stinker made me a mother.
i love all the smiles AND the pouts that come with the job.
oh, and check it out. i rarely love a picture of myself, but i thought that the husband did a great job on this shot while we were out for a mothers day adventure yesterday. i felt like this field and the flowers were a mothers day gift just for me.