and the winner is…

congratulations! e-mail to collect your ties!
don’t worry folks. 

if you missed out on the contest you
can still order all of your favorites at

… or even better …

come to the peanut posh house party
MAY 19th at 7 pm in Farmington, UT

leave a comment with your e-mail address or
e-mail for directions!

i hope to see you there…

{ btw. i just found these vintage wood letters at an antique store and i am in love.
just think of all the possibilities… }

who needs sun…

well, i’m thrilled that the weather was perfect for minta and michaels wedding on saturday, but it has been rain, rain, rain since then. i have two family sessions and a mentoring session this week… that’s seattle for you.


we’re working it out. =)

aren’t i lucky to have such cute clients (and friends!) who are such good sports? love these guys!

p.s. i have not forgotten about the contest! winner announced tomorrow!

peanut posh & sassy babies…

look out. these kids are as cute as can be and dressed to the nines! this shoot for the new children’s accessory line peanut posh was soooo much fun.  i felt so lucky to be included from the beginning of the project, picking clothes, choosing models and locations, brainstorming with Hailey (the brains behind the whole Peanut Posh operation! amazing!)… it was a blast. 
Hailey designed every bow, hat, tie/bow tie and car seat cover from this shoot. These products are truely one of a kind and SO well made. The details are fantastic! She truly didn’t cut any corners- trust me, I got to be up close and personal with every SINGLE product- I did the children’s shoot as well as alllll of the product pictures on the website. And that’s a lot! 
Here’s the great news, my birthday was last week (thank you husband for your sweet post and to all of my blog friends for your well wishes!!) and we all know it’s better to give than receive!
So we decided a little giveaway would be just the thing. Go to the peanut posh WEBSITE 
and check out all of the amazing products. Then leave ME a comment telling me your favorite tie and bowtie or your favorite bottle cap and you will be entered to win the BIG KAHUNA PACKAGE of bows OR your favorite TIE AND BOW TIE. Yaaaay! I will choose a winner Tuesday night at midnight. 
Oh yea, and remember mr. max’s adorable bow tie from Easter? You better believe I got it from Peanut Posh.
baby Kennedy’s outfit supplied by gymboree. rain boots by crew cuts via down east outfitters. 

the car seat cover and accessories has to be one of my favorite products- they are gorgeous and the quality is unmatched. i can’t wait until i have a good excuse to buy one myself! 
girls clothing by GAP and Old Navy…
Except for of course the pettiskirts. Now who doesn’t LOVE these??!! They pared so perfectly with the Peanut Posh look. Lucky for you they are from the local SASSY BABIES located in Bountiful and Gardener Village. Oh, and they come as little as newborn and as big as 8-10 years! so cute. Sassy babies has everything you need for your stylish little one- I could spend an hour looking through the shoes alone… sigh. I am thrilled to tell you that you can also visit the Bountiful location and see my work on display very soon- I feel so lucky to be featured in such a beautiful children’s store! 
Now, get shopping!

seattle in the spring…

I simply can’t imagine a more beautiful setting or a more beautiful couple. Minta and Michael were breathtaking!  I am dying to get started on these. I’m laughing now because I chose sortof a serious picture but there is nothing serious about these two- it was laughter and kissing non stop all day. 
I love weddings. I love my job. I love Seattle. And I LOOOOVE these two people. 
Congratulations Minta and Michael, you make a perfect team and I know you will have all the happiness in the world. You deserve it!
p.s. I am reeeeally loving my 85 mm lens. Like I am kinda wondering how I ever photographed without it…? I give it serious props for this shot. 

A Special Day For The Most Amazing, Beautiful, Loving, Mother and Wife!!!

SO I NEVER ever have, nor do I care to get into the blog thing. That being said I realize that blogging is a big part of my lovely wife’s life!!! So here I am trying to figure it out so that I can wish you, Jessica, a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We love you so much and think that you are the greatest wife, mother, and friend.
We love you!!!
DK and Max

good things come to those who wait…


ok. let me first just say that i’m sorry things have been so lame around here lately! i haven’t had time to post as often as usual and for my readers/viewers that = boring. but know what? i have been working on some reeeeeally fun projects. like reallyreally fun. really fun and really time consuming! and to add insult to injury, the mama computer (aka imac) is under the weather. as a matter of fact, we are going to have to wipe her hard drive clean and import all my files and programs for a fresh start. don’t worry, nothing is lost or damaged in any way. just a few bugs that need to be worked out. the good news is that  i am working hard to get everything up and running before i leave for orange county. the other good news is that the baby (mac book pro) is still working so i can still have access to e-mail and internet etc. i just can’t post all my fun stuff. that’s all.  stay tuned, i promise i have more fun things coming up!
oh and the other news, i will be telling you where to buy allllllll the gorgeous things in this picture (minus the kids of course).  i LOVE LOVE LOVE styling shoots!