don’t you just want to EAT him??

Oh is this not the yummiest baby ever? Easton was so sleepy and cuddley the whooooole time! I loved it. This was my third session with this family and it has been so fun to see this little family grow. During our very first shoot, big brother Brayden pointed his little two year old finger right at my camera and yelled “noooooo!”  The third time around, Brayden held my hand and showed me his room and his toys and was so good in front of the camera. That has got to be one of my favorite parts about repeat clients! 
the trunk is a family heirloom, i was so excited when they showed it to me and suggested using it in the shoot!
this has to be one of my very favorites!
can’t wait to see the canvas easton’s mommy and daddy ordered of this one!
getting creative to get a shot of Easton in his cradle handmade by his grandpa
of course the cocoon…
love all of Brayden’s three year old expressions. 
I could have posted 20 of these! haha!
the whole family- thanks for another fun time guys!

ROUND ONE. so impressed!

check out these lovelies from my first round of mentoring with alaina and lacey! they were both so fun to work with and seriously, didn’t they get amazing shots??!

alaina and i spend 3 hours together (2 shooting, one photoshop) and had so much fun- she really wanted to learn more about lighting so you’ll notice we worked with lots of different kinds of light- SOOO fun and she got some great pictures (obviously!!)
. we also worked on posing, composition, photoshop and focus techniques. we did an indoor shoot at my house as well, but you will have to wait for her to post those! and i just might snag carrie to model for me again- she was awesome!
lacey flew all the way out from VEGAS just to spend 4 hours with me! i was honored and she did a great job. lacey is just getting started with photography and we covered a lot of lighting, composition, posing, and shooting in manual, focus technique as well as photoshop workflow.   i’d say she got some killer shots!
so maybe someday i will get my act together and post some of my shots as well- and maybe catch up on all the sessions i need to blog…. sorry! my blogging motivation has been slacking a bit…. or a lot. yea. A LOT.