camera envy?

have you outgrown your camera? there’s really nothing worse is there. that’s why you should skip on over to KRISTEN’S blog and snap up her D200 for a steal of a deal- $700 for the body. used equipment is a great way to save bucu bucks but there’s always that risk of someone being dishonest and selling you a lemon. well, this girl is a peach (not to mention a GREAT photographer) and i wouldn’t hesitate to send you over! don’t miss it!

sold out.

WOW. Thank you so much to everyone who e-mailed me today about mentoring! Truly I am so flattered. I had no idea so many people would be interested. I currently have 14 people from various states ready to take the plunge. For now I think that may be all I can handle! Please e-mail me if you would like to be on a cancellation list (you just never know!) or if you would like to be notified FIRST before I offer more sessions next time around. When it all happens next totally depends on how the scheduling works out for the first group of people. 

Also, I will be offering mentoring / portrait sessions in the SEATTLE AREA in the beginning of May as well as in ORANGE COUNTY sometime late spring/early summer. Let me know if you’re interested!

cat’s out of the bag.


 old photo. still funny.                                          
Well, gee. Now I just feel silly. I’m ready to share my fun news, but hopefully after my little teaser it isn’t a let down.  ?   And no,  [sigh]  I am not announcing my completed website [double sigh]. I swear, I’m working on it! Let’s set a goal together. How about the end of the month?
ANYWAY, about that LITTLE SECRET  that I mentioned a while back. As you know, I am not really a secretive person. ABOUT ANYTHING really. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, for better or for worse. And trust me, sometimes it’s for WORSE. ha!  However, since December I have been keeping something to myself. 

**oh boy. and no I am not pregnant either! you’re all so sweet. but when that happens I will just post a picture of vomit. ’cause that’s how I roll… for the whole glorious 9 months. **

Ever since the big Q and A, I have had lots of people ask if I would be willing to offer mentoring sessions or workshop of some kind. And up until recently, the whole idea was pretty intimidating to me! Stand in front of a group teaching photography? Ummm, scary. The whole confidence factor was a big deal to get over! However, I accepted my first mentor session this December and had so much fun. So far I have taken on five “pupils” (ha!) and each experience has been so fun and the response has been great! 

So here’s the skinnny. Sessions are available to anyone regardless of location. The format I have found works out best is a minimum of two hours-  at least one hour of shooting and one hour of photoshop. But of course you can use the time however you want, since mentoring sessions are all about you! This is basically a run down of how things have typically gone.  Some popular topics are USING and FINDING good light- outside AND inside, getting good EXPOSURES while shooting in MANUAL, POSING, perfecting your focus to get the sharpest images possible, etc.  In photoshop, I basically take you through my typical workflow using the images you took during our shoot. I will show you how to save TIME and lots of headaches, how to enhance your pictures rather than spend hours fixing them, and show you all the little tricks and tips I use to get the look and style of my photos. We will learn about actions too- how to make your own, how to make some of my personal actions, and how to use various sets that you can purchase on your own (i.e. nicole van, totally rad, itty bitty etc.). Contact me for additional info or if you have any questions! I don’t claim to be an expert on everything, but I am an expert on MY style and MY technique. If that’s something you want to learn, this may be just the thing for you. 
Just for fun, here are some images from my last two clients. Both are from just last week!

How gorgeous is this shot by JENIFER WILLIAMS! Finding the right light makes ALL the difference. 


Image by MEGHAN ROBLES.  Remember? I took pictures of her TWINS last fall. This is the product of good manual exposure and a few of the right editing techniques. =)  I LOVE the color!
Well, there you go. That’s my news! If you are interested in mentoring, drop me an e-mail at Let me know what you want to focus on and please include a blog address or sample of your work!  

sweetest sneak peek!

Now, I know this is out of order and that I am supposed to be posting all the other stuff I promised, but I know one mom who just has to have a sneak peek of her little man!  He was amazingly easy to photograph and he’s obviously adorable. I can’t wait to start editing the rest! For now, here are my two favorites. =)
look closer, you will see some little toes peeking through the knit! it’s tricky to find in the web sized black and white but I LOVE those toes!
he was THIS GOOD the whole time! I couldn’t believe it. Such a beautiful AND calm baby?
Mr. Easton is going to have to give pointers to all my future newborns. haha!