sweet ella

this is the MOST fun I have had on a newborn shoot EVER! For starters, this perfect specimen of a 10 day old belongs to my dear friend Chelsea, so I loved spending the morning with her! Second, Ella is the most beautiful SLEEPY sweet baby. Third, Chels had this lovely damask fabric and let me just have a hay day with her little one! Though most newborn photographers make it look easy- newborn shoots are long, hard (but super fun!) work. This little girl made me feel like a pro for the morning. =) usually I average about 30 proofs per session. This chica has probably 60 great shots. I could post all day long … and kinda did. =)
oh. and fyi, i made [made! from start to finish!!] these little newborn cocoons. the green one will be available for future shoots, the pink one was my gift to ella.  all images were taken with natural light- no flash, nothing but a window. 

yea, i know her.

we’re friends and stuff. 
Thank you Celeste and Sawyer SOOOO MUCH!!! for letting me dress you up and take your pictures. I LOVED it, I love you, and you are BOTH gorgeous. Don’t think for a second I am not going to make you pose for me again. haha!  I also had so much fun meeting Sarah and shooting with this amazing girl, who was in town all the way from Grenada (that’s in the Carribean. yep, I had to look it up. ) I can’t wait to see her pictures too!
I loved trying something new- a little high fashion. We may even redo some of these- with bigger wavy hair and some sexy tights and heels. Sorry. we had to hurry and pull something together so we could meet up with Sarah, and Celeste and I never really communicated on the bottom half of the wardrobe. My fault! But the vintage hat (yes, found it for $5 thankyouverymuch) is a little bridal-y and it looks SOOOOO amazing on celeste. Kinda vintage bad A bride. We kinda want to play that up a bit with those changes.  Dontcha think?
One of my New Years resolutions (for photography) is to play with different kinds of light. Sun from different angles, mixed light, back light . . . all that. Here’s an attempt. 
I think I like it!
and the whole mood of the shoot changes. Celeste is the sweetest mom and Sawyer is the most girly, princessy, silly little girl you will ever meet. This part of the day was pretty short, Sawyer had just woken up from a nap and was not interested in being photographed. None the less, we got some pretty sweet ones! Not hard with a face like that!
Well guys, don’t be surprised if a new one of these pops up now and then. We got so many good shots of Celeste I know I’ll keep finding new favorites! But this is something very new for me, so let me know what you think!

revisited + a GIVEAWAY

so i have been messing around a bit with some new editing techniques and decided to mess around with this picture from a couple of months ago. I loved how it turned out!
and since it is a NEW YEAR I thought I would start it off with a little bit of GOOD KARMA. 
which means, I am giving away a little ACTION RECIPE!
I think a lot of people think that if you use actions, your pictures will end up looking just like everyone elses. I disagree. If there is something out there that can speed up your workflow and make your pictures look fab, WHY WOULDN’T you USE it? And if you mix it up a little and if your original image isn’t bLAh, you won’t blend in. 
here’s exactly what I did on this image

here’s the original JPG image + a little bit of tweaking in camera raw
note: all actions used on this picture are from the TRA set 2
FIRST (after opening it in photoshop) I ran GET FADED- summer at 32%
followed by BURN OUT at 85%
followed by PUNCH OUT at 100%
lastly (and not leastly) I ran PROSS CROSSESED at 10% to make it just a weeee bit funky. =) oh and j/k this one is from the original TRA
oh, and I cloned out the power pole.