wow! i just realized that i haven’t updated this blog in a MONTH! i can’t believe i didn’t even share the baby’s name. i have been journaling everything on my family blog, so over there you can read a lot more about her birth, transitioning to two kids, max being a big a big brother- you know, my new crazy life! honestly, i’m loving every second (hence, i have been absentee on this blog!), lucy girl is a dream baby and max is so proud of her. but here, i’m just going to share this, my last month, in photos.

Lucy, 37.5 weeks gestation.

Lucy, Birthday.
birth photos by my dear friend, chelsea christiensen. edited by me.

Lucy, 1 day old

Lucy, 2 days old

Lucy, 4 days old

Lucy, 6 days old

Lucy, 7 days old

Lucy, 8 days old

Lucy, 12 days old

Lucy, 13 days old

Lucy, 14 days old

Lucy, 15 days old

Max, 3 and a half. Lucy, 14 days old

more to come… when the editing is done!