Taylor and Brian. I love these guys. I loved their wedding. It was just… FUN! You can tell that these two are just so happy to be married. And that makes me happy. What also makes me happy is that they had the BEST. DANCE PARTY. EVER. you’ll see. And the kid with the glasses? Yea. Probably could have done a whole post on just him. And while I’m clearly stating the obvious here, can we just talk about Taylor for a second? Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. And I die over her dress! I loved shooting at the Draper Temple, it was a nice change of pace and even though it was windy and VERY sunny, the light was absolutely beautiful. 
And now the shout outs. First, to my favorite videographer around, Nate Pickett. Such a dream to work with. Brides, HIRE HIM. Seriously. Check out the engagement video at the end of the post- you’ll die. Second to my photo soul mate Heather, for her mad second shooting skills. She was my rock on this day especially… THE DAY I SHOT TWO WEDDINGS IN ONE DAY. 
You heard me, two weddings, one day. Could NOT have done it without her!

Brian + Taylor: Engagement from Nathan Pickett on Vimeo.