woman in business

wow. i have been following davina’s blog for a long time now because not only is she an AMAZING photographer, but she is so willing to give back and share with other photographers. her WOMEN IN BUSINESS series is nothing short of genius. each week she interviews a different professional photographer from around the country about balancing life, love, business, family, photography… all the good stuff. she has interviewed some seriously amazing people so to say i was honored to be a part of it would be QUITE the understatement. if you’re interested, check out MY INTERVIEW (and leave a comment if you like!), plus be sure to see the rest of DAVINA’S BLOG for some serious inspiration! thank you again davina!

p.s. there is also some pretty exciting news that i’m sharing on davina’s blog that you may not know. !! i’m so sneaky.
p.p.s. wppi has been amazing, but i am coming home today and can’t wait to kiss my baby and get back into the swing of things (which means i will be blogging again reeeeeal soon!).